Thursday, December 27, 2007

Yet again...

Am I the river meandering along my way…bending and twisting myself in any whichever direction…
Am I the river desiring to touch new lands in my final journey towards that all-consuming ocean…
Am I really that free spirit which is not bound by anything except its own imagination…

Or am I the piece on the chessboard, counting the squares, calculating the moves each time…
Am I the brave knight or am I the crafty bishop with its crooked ways or am I just the unassuming pawn trundling along with hopes of a nobler destiny at the end of the road…
Am I just one of them, moving as per the rules, hoping for a win but preparing for a paltry draw with the game of life…

Am I right in asking myself “Who am I?” when all others have failed with no answer in sight…
Am I really courageous to look myself in the eye and answer the question or am I just indulging in calisthenics with words…
Am I the one I think myself to be or is my mind playing mind-games with me?


H.S. said...

Ah. that question. let me know when you find the answer;)

Shivani Gakhar said...

ever heard of something called "sympathy pains"? :)

Neelam Prabhugaonker Shetye said...

@hems: maybe when we meet in heaven.... ;)

@shiv: i think 'emphathy pains' r more like wat i need at the moment.... :|