Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I am...

I am the evening sun...
wanting to rest my tired self...wanting to immerse myself in the calming waters of the ocean..!! And yet I cannot...for the little boy answering his exams is clinging onto my last rays. I cannot let him down.

I am the express train...
passing through the lush green fields, gazing at the meandering river..its crystal clear waters sparkling like diamonds. I long to run through the fields...the yellow mustard flowers beckon me.!! And yet I cannot leave my track...for the seven hundred passengers have trusted me with their lives. I cannot let them down.

I am the water bearer...
the leather water bag grinding into my hip. The hot desert sun burning onto my parched skin. The mirages playing hide and seek with my delirious mind. Eternal sleep beckons me.!! And yet I cannot...for the desert life awaits me with thristy eyes. It has trusted me with the elixir of life. I cannot let it down.

I am Atlas...
shoulders sagging with the weight of the earth and its worries. The flat ground invites me to lay spine in perfect harmony with the ground. And yet I cannot...for I lifted the weight onto my shoulders...for today..for eternity.
And I cannot let myself down.

Amen !!


Anonymous said...

I like this post!


Neelam Prabhugaonker Shetye said...

@Bratman: thanks !! :)

H.S. said...

how about the earth which wants to stop spinning and float amidst the twinkling stars but has to spin for humanity?:)

Neelam Prabhugaonker Shetye said...

@hems: hey thats a nice one hems !!
or maybe the moon who wants to drift away on the fluffy cloud...but has to stay..for all jilted lover serenading his lady love in the moonlight..!!
naahh...too mushy mushy :p :p

H.S. said...

that one is honestly cute:D

mooning over moon struck lovers..
im all moony eyed now:P

GuNs said...


Just discovered your blog from someone else's blog. So, it seems you write poems. I like this one quite a bit.

I do write poems myslef sometimes but those are intermittent, at best. I have just one on my blog which isnt very good though [:-P].

Do check out my blog when you get any time and dont forget to leave comments if you do.


cYb0rG said...

nice... been really busy recently so was unable to check ur post till now...

anusha said...

hey neels...forgot ur blog's name. Am checking this after a realllly long time! Great blogging...

I AM... One of the the most powerful statements in the universe. Makes you feel that you can be anything!

Neelam Prabhugaonker Shetye said...

@guns: thanks !! :)shall sure check out ur blog

@cyborg: looks like u have been really busy monsieur !!! ca va bien ?? :p :p still waitin for part deux of the LOTR trilogy....

@panthuvarali: thanks a bunch :)
yeah i too believe that a blog is very much a reflection of the author...

@anush: aha so there u r...was wonderin where u had disappeared kanna...!!! :p

Murali said...

:-) good one.. Why not go with more of these?

Neelam Prabhugaonker Shetye said...

@damak: merci beaucoup monsieur !!! sure was a break from all those "tragic" works of fiction..!! :)

H.S. said...

long break?i want new concoction:D

Neelam Prabhugaonker Shetye said...

@hems: Druid Getafix has been a lil bit too busy with the 'annual druid's convention', documentation et al...hence the absence of new concoctions !! :)) :p

Nero said...

Sagittarian? (that part about being the water bearer...)

Nikhilesh said...

hii...i came here from rathish's blog (list of bitsians actually) from 02 batch ....and like your blog a lot, hope its ok if i link your blog on mine

Ojas said...

New Concoction, New concoction....

Neelam Prabhugaonker Shetye said...

@nero: oh no...that was a red herring..!!! :p
Iam the battering ram...Aries!!! :)

@nike: thanks a bunch :) sure u can link my blog !!!

@pard'ner: slavery beckons....concoctions will have to wait...(sulk sulk )!!!:((

Anonymous said...


Every word is just amazing. Do write in sometime what prompted you to write it.

Awed in brilliant conception.

Anonymous said...

u ought to shrug.

Neelam Prabhugaonker Shetye said...

@rye: thanks a bunch :)
i know this sounds cliched...but my inspiration was, !! :)

@jay: why didnt i think of that, son !!:p :p

Anonymous said...

bert site