Thursday, September 15, 2005

work-a-holy-ics anonymous....(I)

Fed up with hours of working on a bug-fix
made me so frustrated as to send a one-liner mail to one of
my friends - "why do we have to work??"

and pronto came the reply - "interesting question..but why do we
have to receive a pay-check at the end of every month??"

...and it was back to fixing the bugging bug again...!!! :))


H.S. said...

the "work-a-holy-ics anonymous hotline number can be my home one when im free to give interesting advice to such essential qns;)

Neelam Prabhugaonker Shetye said...

yeah shure dear !!! n guess where majority of the calls r goin to come in from !!! my desk of course..hehe :)

H.S. said...

u have a phone with std on your desk?im impressed!;)

Neelam Prabhugaonker Shetye said...

i dont have the std phone on my desk dear....'techies' arent that blessed i guess !!! especially if u r of the 'fresher' variety :p