Thursday, May 05, 2005

a day of trivialities..

When i came across Arundhati Roy's 'God of small things...' i always pondered upon Ms. Roy's choice of title !! And it took me till today to understand in full gravity the importance of trivialities in our lives !!!

>> a seemingly innocuous statement got me in trouble with a dear friend !! what seemed to me like a trivial remark meant great offence to my pal n to the third party who refused to play the silent spectator like most third parties n was very vocal in her disapproval of the remark !!!!

>> i just realised that a very trivial act of mine had touched the hearts of two people so much so that they took two pages each in my autograph book to thank me for the same !!!! (and it goes without saying that i took two more pages in their autographs book to gracefully accept the thanks while tryin to play it down at the same time!! c'est rien, mon cherie)

Thinking about how much importance people attach to all the little things in life brings me to something i read sometime ago (dont remember where) about how something as little as increasing the storage capacity of a mail inbox makes the day better for thousand different people !! And today being the day of could i miss out on that one ??? The people at Yahoo! just increased my mailbox space to 1 GB...hallelujah !!!! If i were one for the spirits...i wud have drunk one to the little things in life n to the profits of Yahoo!

Just as a passing thought...delving into a bit of etymology...trivia (three roads literally) comes from the fact that people met at road intersections and had discussions !!! Then why does trivial imply something of very less importance ??? Think about this the next time u are havin a chat at the nookad shop over some chai and pakoras !!! :D


H.S. said...

hey!i didnt know the origin of trivia until now!!and yes..the little silly things in life can make you insanely happy- i was literally jumping with joy when i found a pack of potato chips in the ship, for instance;)

Neelam Prabhugaonker Shetye said...

wowie hems..dont u normally get potato chips in the ship ????whats food like out there ??i can almost see all those fishes craving to be eaten...hehe :p :p
n yeah..comin to little things...our morning jogs n convos meant so much to me..still miss them hazaar

H.S. said...

hey neelam.... veg food is slightly scarce..yeah.,u get very crazy things like lobsters, shrimps, crabs..and quaint shelled things to eat;) apart from some carrots and cauliflowers!!

Neelam Prabhugaonker Shetye said...

well hems...the things u call 'crazy' are actually delicacies...which i wud give nething for :p :p
hehe...the carrots must be blushing with indignation over this one :))

H.S. said...

:D:D no ,the carrots are red and livid with anger dear:))

and to tell u the truth..,i think i am missin the morning jogs (and more talks;) much more than other important things , like food!!